Art kinda day?

10:36 PM

Having a Campus committee's sometimes would make you upset because of the hectic works etc yet at the end you still feeling greatful when you know you have done it well. And that's what i'm feeling about this week!
Well, UI has a big Art Competition through all the Faculty and it called UI Art War. This competition consists of several Art division contests, and i was the head-division of Painting (or in Ind Lukis). At first i wasn't feeling so sure of taking that commitment, WELL i'm a type of person that not taking things seriously but then it had forced me for being one hundred percent taking a commitment that i have to done this division contest well. At first it was such a pressure....
But then  when i was finally found my Co-partner for this division and for about that time i was extremely happy so i could relieved my Nervousness about this whole competition. My good co-partner friend who wants to help me on that busy months, welp i love her to death! Well then, i was also found my lovely 7 staffs that dedicated so much on this works. <3
It's been 3 hectic months for me, and also my partners, to organize all the stuffs and a lot of things that would going on with the competition...but thank God!!!! The Contest was done so well last Week on Nov 18th, and i couldn't more proud of my companion and (also) myself!! And i would post some captures of last week's moments, here they are!

The last picture is the 1st winner of this Competition, and also my current favorite work this far and It presented by the Faculty of Dentistry.
All i could say is i'm enormously happy for the responsibility that this Competition brings to me. I was learning so much things, and to keep each others trusts and teamworks. And also i had a chance to know some amazing people by this competition, my 3 Art judges that really have so much art powers and inspires me much about the Artness :P Thankyou, thankyou, it's been a pleasure! And, happy a good day one fellas!