9:09 AM

It's the second day of DECEMBER and i couldn't feel nothing more than the jag of Christmas. All the feelings around this month are definitely the most long-awaited moment every year of my entire life. I miss being surrounded by my big family, and just cherish the moments of the most wonderful time, because this moments are all about the togetherness with your love ones. Despite of many changes that occur of my life this year... I still can't resist of the beautiful feelings of the joyfulness around this month. And knowing that God already holds tight your loved one up there tenderly, it makes me always being pleased without any sorrows.
Besides the season of Christmas, i could say that the End of the year is always giving me such a happiness!!! There are so many good news relate to this season, and i'm in the tears of joy right hereeeeeee.
The reason of this post probably all about my current obsession, that's all about Troye Sivan's new Albums that would released out this week!! For those you guys don't know this guy... He is one of the people that inspire me so much about life. I'd following his Youtube account since about 2011 when he was just like 15, and i had no idea back then why i was so obsessed with his channel well its simply because he was really funny and his all videos were just adorable as hell, and i just fancy anything bout him since then and until i knew that he can sing really well. He started to making some song covers and made some original funny songs, until he was releasing his first EP two years ago and it made my so genuinely adore his voice so much.. And now he just released out his first ever Albums and i feel like the happiest person for god's sake this entire album probably would be one of the best thing that will happen this month, i've been waiting for this since FOREVER. And since Troye's new Albums is one of the reason why i love this month so much... I would like to present you guys the creation of my happiness.

I took the pictures of my neighbourhood, as the Troye's album is called #blueneighbourhood, and since i'm currently Obsessed with anything bout it... I just can't stop making some creations about this whole things..EVEN on the middle of the class, you can see it on my last pic tho. If you guys ever have no damn ideas about him at all (and probably) you wanna know him more, just click this link then you'll go to his Youtube Channel. There are some of his new tunes too refer to the new Album. 
Well, some people might think why do I even get too much care about someone's else works and why do I even get this a lil bit too much obsession about this all or something... To be honest, I'm really sorry for that because I'm honestly don't give a single care about it though, and this is definitely one of those reasons why i still keep telling that life is flawlessly beautiful. Because life is still have a such wonderful thing like Troye Sivan's beautiful album. Sorry for being hella creepy right here and Goodnight guys, have a really wonderful time of this month!