
9:16 AM

As every years we have to reminding ourselves that we're getting old, and age is just a number. For me it is. Twenty, i think, is such a really big step on my life. As I ever said on my previous post that all about the ages, you don't have to wait any longer to make something in yourself. Age is just a number that would reminds yourself that you're now in those life which always making you growing up day by day, years by years, it ain't gonna stop until the day it's over. So what's then? Do not ever waste times.
Twenty years of a life, such a huge life for me of course. Being a person who concerns much about what would or what wouldn't I ever do in this shitty life, is sometimes giving you such a great adventage indeed. You don't have to think about someone else's opinions about yourself, but you're just always been able to doing what you have to do to make yourself, yourself.
I've always been waiting for some moments, some hopes. I used to be someone who despretely needs some things that I wanted in life, and every years of my damn life I always wish I could be that lucky to find that one. As the years grow up, I learned that much. Twenty years and all I got right here, right now, is that how thankful I am and how I feel so blessed with so much things of what I got in this twenty years of life. I still breath, I still have so much people around me who cares so much about me. Family, friends, I don't have to count for the amount of them but their presences are the matters. And I feel it really good for myself for about this day.
The point of this day is not about I'm finally getting 20 this year, I even think that I already 20 since the day one of this year 2016. Once again, it's not all about the amount of your age. It's about something what you learned from it, from your life, and what do you think you got until this time, reminding ourselves that we are able to doing anything we want if we have to believe in ourselves and fight for it no matter what happens.
So many things, so many goals, so many disappointment, so many losses.. I've done it really well, I think. Who ever said it easy to losing something you loved? It gone well, and for everyone who made my years really wonderful until this freaking day.. I can't say anything but I feel so blessed.
So me and my High School best mates were having a Sleepover in my house last night, and they took me a surprise with some baloons and a doughnuts, YEAYY! My mum brought me my fave snacks because she knows the best. And the best is that I still can feel this unstoppable joyfulness everytime I remind myself of this people around myself.
So many years to come.. So many experience, lesson, yet it would be much harder than it was. But it's okay. You're just the one over a million people who will also get all of them suckness. Blow a candle and piece of a cake, cheers for another good moment to be remembered!